In simplest of terms, Zeta Aid is a nutritional supplement that is a key part of a common sensible health restoration concept refined by Bariatric Specialist Physician, Dr. T.C. McDaniel D.O. Since the human body composition is more than 60% water, good health or Zestful Wellness depends upon a balanced body water chemistry that requires water consumption of sufficient volume and velocity to affect the viscosity of the different fluid systems in our body. In other words, one must consume enough “good” water (volume), get enough exercise to speed up the circulation (velocity), to keep your blood plasma and other body fluid systems at the right thickness (viscosity) & be clot-free. For this concept to work, one must employ the brain to help the body's organs do their job better by making better eating decisions and most importantly, drinking enough “good” water to flush out the toxins and impurities that cause disease in our bodies.
Zeta Potential or Electromagnetic Force, describe the laws of particle behavior influenced by the (+) positive charge and the (-) negative charge at the cellular level in our bodies. Disease and cancer occur most often in acidic tissues whereas healthy tissues are slightly alkaline. Drinking sufficient quantities of “good” water plus an alkaline additive (Zeta Aid) formulated by Dr. McDaniel, helps restore the body to a balanced pH level resulting in “Zestful Wellness”.